Nebrija's Adventure
Nebrija’s Adventure is an interactive adventure created in Unity by students of ‘Instituto Nebrija’ of vocational training, with the aim of commemorate the V Centenary of the death of Elio Antonio de Nebrija.
The initial idea, proposed by Antonio Otero, was to create a fun and participatory challenge for the students. Said and done! Carrying out the project turned out to be a real challenge for the participants, who were forced to learn new technologies such as Unity. They relied on the support of Pablo Hermida, the project manager, who gave a series of workshops on the basic concepts, allowing everyone to apply this knowledge in the development of the game.
After 4 months of hard work, all departments: design, programming, sound and script, managed to get the best version possible of the video game and of themselves.
Not only they reached the main objectives and had it on time, they also ported the game for multiple platforms such as Linux, Mac, Android and Windows.
Videogame operation
As a player, you will assume the role of a future unknown hero, whose mission is saving The Earth from an unavoidable threat. To achieve it, you’ll have to travel to the past.The only disadvantage is the memory loss the character suffers. Throughout history, you will have to remember the mission's purpose. To complete it, you must interact with other characters who will appear throughout your adventure while resolving riddles and puzzles.
In this graphic adventure you will have the support of numerous allies that you will meet along the way thanks to the Antonio de Nebrija Professional Training Institute. Antonio de Nebrija is among them and he will take of you as guardian angel. Teachers and students in the various grades at the institution as well. As a player you will explore almost the whole ‘Instituto Nebrija’.
A challenge for most of them, since they had barely had contact with this video game engine. With perseverance and effort they managed to get very good results.